Select Page

Features to be added:

  1. Background Notification Support
  2. Handle Popups Correctly on External Authentications/Logins etc
  3. Xbox One + Controller Support
  4. Password Protect Certain Tiles
  5. Support for File Downloads
  6. Image Resizing / Editing
  7. Responsive TitleBar (Name, Color) as per website
  8. Save Zoom Level State for each site
  9. Keyboard Shortcuts for Desktop
  10. Backup & Restore Tiles
  11. Link to on device local URLs
  12. Live Tiles using RSS or Snapshot of the Page
  13. AdBlocker Support
  14. Taskbar Pinning Not Possible Due to Windows Limitations Taskbar Jumplist Alternative Available

In Progress

  1. Tile Image automatically Retrieved from WebApp/ Manifest/ Favicon =1.2.2


  1. Switch Between Mobile/Desktop Renders (Firefox Windows) ✓2.3.6
  2. Permissions Manager ✓2.3.6
  3. List of Pinned Tiles (Dashboard in the App) ✓2.3.6
  4. Ability Continue/Open Links in Default Browser ✓1.2.6
  5. Tile Color Picker ✓1.2.6
  6. Wide Tile Support ✓1.2.6
  7. Additional Options Menu ✓1.2.4
  8. Make Progressbar Optional ✓1.2.4
  9. Ability to Clear Cache/History/TempFiles ✓1.2.2
  10. Taskbar Jump-list with list of Apps for Desktop ✓1.2.2
  11. Fullscreen on Mobile  ✓1.2.1
  12. Multiple Instances ✓ 1.2.0
  13. Back Button for Desktop ✓1.1.4
  14. Geo-Location Support ✓1.1.4

Bugs to be fixed

  1. Certain Locally Resolved / NAS Hosts don’t load ✓1.2.2
  2. Crashes on Interaction ✓1.2.2
  3. Crashes on incorrect Web URL ✓1.1.3
  4. Tiles Have Same Last Loaded Picture on Restart/Put in same folder/Resizing Tiles. ✓1.1.4
  5. Email links Don’t work ✓1.1.4
  6. No Internet Error Handling ✓1.1.5
  7. Crashes on Selecting an image and then changing it. ✓1.1.5
  8. Incorrect Popup on Canceling a Pin after clicking Create Tile ✓1.1.5
  9. Loading Indicator Not Working ✓1.1.5

Leave a comment below for anything else.